32000 Chagrin Blvd.
Pepper Pike OH, 44124
Website | Email
 Stagecrafters is a dramatic arts program of the Orange Community Education & Recreation Department which seeks to help each student realize a positive self-image through the practice and technique of theatre. The program seeks to provide a family atmosphere, fostering growth and confidence within each individual. Stagecrafters prides itself on nurturing students’ independence while maintaining the importance of teamwork.
Contact Information:
Wendy Scott-Koeth, Stagecrafters Coordinator (216) 831-8601 ex. 5102 wscott@orangecsd.org
Tali Friedman, Stagecrafters Supervisor (216) 831-8601 ex. 5105 tfriedman@orangecsd.org
Jackie DiFrangia, Stagecrafters Associate (216) 831-8601 ex. 5103 jdifrangia@orangecsd.org
Upcoming Events:
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